About Us

Under current law, Safety, Heath and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations SI 299, 2007, it is the legal responsibility of the Managing Director of every company to ensure that this complete. Employers could face a fine of up to €3million and/or 2 years imprisonment if they don't ensure the safety of their organisation's premises including all electrical items.
It is a Legal Necessity to PAT test....

Michael Devereux
Founder & Managing Director
With several years experience, the MD Michael Devereux has worked extensivly in many industry sectors to ensure our multi-national clients work with the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (Genera Applications) Regulations SI 299, 2007

Kevin Devereux
Projects & Development Manager
A Project Manager/Engineer with over 10 years’ experience across multiple sectors including financial, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, aviation and food manufacturing industries managing and delivering a range of business critical, process, regulatory and engineering projects spanning multiple fields including Business Development, Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Civil, and Control Engineering whose ethos is effective management and utilization of lean techniques and personnel so as to ensure delivery of projects on time and within budget, client satisfaction and integrity are guaranteed.